Type 1 MOT Calculator | Easy Calculate How Much You Need

This Type 1 MOT Calculator is a simple tool that can help you calculate the amount of Type 1 MOT sub base you need for your project.

Type 1 is a crushed stone that is often used as a sub-base material for driveways, patios, and other landscaping projects.

If you’re working on a construction project, you may need to calculate how much aggregate you need to cover a specific area.

This mot type 1 coverage calculator helps you determine the amount of material needed for your project, saving you time and money.

The calculator takes into account the length, width, and depth of the area to be covered and calculates the amount of MOT required in tons.

How to use the Type 1 Mot Calculator

To use the calculator, simply enter the required information in the provided fields and click on the “Calculate” button.

The result will be displayed on the page, indicating the amount of MOT Type 1 required in kg.

Type 1 MOT Calculator


What is Type 1 Mot?

Type 1 MOT is a granular sub-base material used as a base layer in road construction projects. It is typically made from crushed limestone, granite, or other durable rock materials. The specifications for Type 1 MOT are outlined in the Department of Transport’s Specification for Highway Works (SHW), which sets the standards for materials and construction methods for highways in the UK.

What is Type 1 MOT Used For?

Type 1 MOT is known for its load-bearing capacity, drainage properties, and stability. It provides a solid base that helps distribute the weight of vehicles and structures, preventing sinking or settling. Its compacted nature also aids in water drainage, reducing the risk of water-related damage.

This material is often used in road construction, where it’s laid as a sub-base layer before adding asphalt or concrete. It’s also used in creating stable foundations for other construction projects, offering a strong and reliable support structure.

How much type 1 per square metre for a driveway?

Typically you will need 0.25 ton of Type 1 MOT for a 1 square metre area at 150mm deep. This should be applied in two layers of 75mm and compacted using a vibrating plate.

How much MOT Type 1 do I need?

To calculate the amount of MOT Type 1 you need you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Measure the length and width of the driveway in meters.
  2. Determine the desired depth of the sub-base needed.
  3. Multiply the length, width, and depth together to obtain the volume in cubic meters.
  4. Use a MOT calculator to convert the volume into the required weight.

How much Type 1 for a driveway?

The amount of Type 1 MOT required for a driveway depends on various factors, including the driveway’s size, the desired depth of the sub-base, and the specific characteristics of the MOT material.

How many square meters does a ton of Type 1 cover?

A ton of type 1 mot will cover 4 square metres at 150mm deep, make sure you compact your sub base in layer of 75mm.

How deep should a paving sub base be?

A sub base for paving should be at least 50mm deep, however I would always recommend a minimum of 75mm. This thickness will provides sufficient stability and helps prevent the paving from sinking or becoming uneven over time.

How thick should a sub base be for a driveway?

A sub base thickness of 150mm to 200mm is the minimum recommended for a driveway.

MOT Calculator and Type1 Calculator

To simplify the process, consider utilizing our aggregate calculator or Type 1 MOT calculator. This tool allow you to input the dimensions of your driveway and the desired depth to obtain an accurate estimation of how much aggregate required.

Use this calculator to work out how much hardcore you need.

By utilizing this MOT type 1 coverage calculator, you can accurately determine the amount of material needed, ensuring a stable and durable sub-base. Take advantage of this online tools to simplify your project planning, optimize your budget, and lay the foundation for a long-lasting driveway.

Author Profile

Mark Cullen
Mark Cullen
I have many qualifications and certificates in construction, such as City & Guilds, CPCS and CITB. These are the highest standards of training and competence in the industry. Whether you need help with plumbing, carpentry, bricklaying or any other trade, I’m here to help you succeed.

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