Tarmac Driveway: Installation, Benefits, and Maintenance Guide


If you’re considering a driveway upgrade or installation, tarmac driveways offer a durable and cost-effective solution for both residential and commercial properties. With their popularity on the rise, it’s essential to understand the benefits and maintenance requirements of a well-constructed tarmac driveway.

A tarmac driveway is constructed using a mixture of bitumen and aggregate materials. This combination results in a strong and flexible surface that can withstand heavy vehicle traffic, harsh weather conditions, and the test of time. Beyond their practical functionality, tarmac driveways also play a significant role in enhancing the curb appeal of your property.

Imagine arriving home to a smoothly paved driveway that complements your home’s aesthetics. A well-constructed tarmac driveway not only creates an inviting first impression but also provides a comfortable driving surface for your vehicles. Its sleek and uniform appearance can greatly enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your property, boosting its value and making it stand out in the neighborhood.

Moreover, the cost-effectiveness of tarmac driveways makes them an attractive choice for homeowners and businesses alike. The installation costs are typically lower compared to alternative driveway materials, and the long-term durability of tarmac means fewer maintenance and repair expenses over time.

Throughout this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of tarmac driveways, delve into the installation process, and provide essential maintenance tips to keep your tarmac driveway in pristine condition. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of tarmac driveways and why they are an excellent choice for your property.

Let’s dive in and discover how a well-constructed tarmac driveway can transform your property’s aesthetics, increase functionality, and provide years of reliable service.

Benefits of Tarmac Driveways:

A tarmac driveway offers a range of benefits that make it a popular choice among homeowners and businesses. Let’s explore the key advantages of choosing a tarmac driveway:

  1. Durability: Tarmac is renowned for its exceptional durability. It can withstand heavy vehicle traffic without easily succumbing to cracks or damage. Whether you have multiple cars or larger vehicles, a tarmac driveway can handle the load, making it a reliable and long-lasting choice.
  2. Low Maintenance: One of the standout features of tarmac driveways is their low maintenance requirements. Unlike other driveway materials that may demand regular attention, tarmac driveways require minimal upkeep. Regular sweeping to remove debris and occasional resealing every few years are usually sufficient to keep your tarmac driveway looking pristine.
  3. Cost-effectiveness: When it comes to value for money, tarmac driveways are hard to beat. The installation costs of tarmac driveways are generally lower compared to other options like concrete or paving stones. Furthermore, tarmac’s durability means fewer repair and replacement costs over time, making it a cost-effective choice for the long run.
  4. Smooth Driving Surface: Tarmac driveways offer a smooth and even driving surface, ensuring a comfortable experience for both drivers and passengers. The uniformity of the tarmac surface allows for smooth maneuvering, reducing vibrations and providing a pleasant driving experience.
  5. Resistant to Stains and Oil Spills: Tarmac is naturally resistant to stains and oil spills, making it an ideal choice for driveways. In case of accidental spills, such as oil or grease from vehicles, tarmac can be easily cleaned and restored to its original condition. This ease of maintenance ensures your tarmac driveway remains visually appealing and free from unsightly stains.

By choosing a tarmac driveway, you can enjoy the benefits of its durability, low maintenance requirements, cost-effectiveness, smooth driving surface, and resistance to stains and oil spills. These advantages make tarmac driveways an excellent investment that enhances the functionality and aesthetics of your property while providing years of reliable service.

Tarmac Driveway Installation Process:

Installing a tarmac driveway involves several crucial steps to ensure a durable and long-lasting surface. Let’s walk through the step-by-step process of installing a tarmac driveway:

  1. Site Preparation:
    • Clear the area: Begin by removing any existing vegetation, debris, or old driveway materials from the site. Ensure the area is clear and ready for construction.
    • Assess drainage needs: Evaluate the site’s drainage requirements to prevent water pooling on the driveway. Proper drainage helps maintain the integrity of the tarmac surface.
    • Address necessary repairs: Identify and address any underlying issues, such as potholes, cracks, or unevenness. Repairing these issues before proceeding with the installation ensures a smooth and even tarmac surface.
  2. Base Construction:
    • Sub-base preparation: Excavate the area to the required depth for the sub-base layer. The depth will depend on factors such as soil conditions and anticipated traffic load. Compact the sub-base material thoroughly to ensure stability and prevent future settling.
    • Base layer installation: Lay a layer of crushed stone or aggregate as the base layer on top of the sub-base. Compact this layer to provide a solid foundation for the tarmac surface. The thickness of the base layer will depend on the specific project requirements and recommendations from professionals.
  3. Tarmac Application:
    • Mixing the tarmac: Prepare the tarmac mixture by combining bitumen and aggregate materials in the correct proportions. The mixture should be thoroughly blended to ensure uniformity and optimal performance.
    • Laying the tarmac: Pour the prepared tarmac mixture onto the prepared base layer. Spread it evenly across the driveway area using rakes and shovels. Aim for a consistent thickness, usually around 50-70mm, but this may vary depending on the specific project requirements.
    • Compacting and rolling: Use a roller or mechanical compactor to compact the tarmac surface. This step ensures proper adhesion and compaction of the material, resulting in a smooth and even driveway surface.
  4. Finishing Touches:
    • Sealing: Apply a tarmac sealant to protect the surface from weathering and enhance its longevity. The sealant also enhances the visual appeal of the tarmac driveway.
    • Edging: Install edging materials along the sides of the driveway to provide a clean and finished appearance. This can include brick or stone edging, which adds a decorative touch while also containing the tarmac surface.
    • Curing time: Allow sufficient time for the tarmac to cure and harden before subjecting it to heavy traffic. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations or consult with professionals regarding the recommended curing time.

By following these steps, a professional contractor can ensure a proper and reliable tarmac driveway installation. Each stage is crucial in creating a stable and aesthetically pleasing surface that will withstand regular use and weather conditions.

Maintenance Tips for Tarmac Driveways

To ensure the longevity and appearance of your tarmac driveway, regular maintenance is essential. Here are some practical maintenance tips to keep your tarmac driveway in excellent condition:

Regular Sweeping and Cleaning

Regularly sweep your tarmac driveway to remove debris, leaves, and dirt. This prevents them from accumulating and potentially causing staining or vegetation growth.

Use a stiff broom or a leaf blower to clear the surface, paying attention to corners and edges where debris tends to accumulate.

Prevent Vegetation Growth

Keep an eye out for any vegetation growth, such as weeds or grass, on your tarmac driveway. Remove any unwanted vegetation promptly to prevent it from taking root and causing damage.

Use weed killers or eco-friendly solutions to treat areas prone to weed growth. Follow the product instructions carefully to avoid any adverse effects on the tarmac or surrounding vegetation.

Periodic Resealing

Over time, the tarmac surface may start to show signs of wear due to exposure to weather elements. Consider periodic resealing to protect your driveway and maintain its fresh appearance.

Consult with a professional contractor to determine the appropriate timing and frequency for resealing based on the specific condition of your tarmac driveway.

Prompt Repair of Cracks and Damage

Inspect your tarmac driveway regularly for any cracks, potholes, or damage. Promptly address these issues to prevent further deterioration and maintain a smooth and even surface.

For minor cracks, fill them with a suitable tarmac repair product. Larger cracks or extensive damage may require professional repair or resurfacing.

Avoid Heavy Loads and Sharp Objects

Avoid parking heavy vehicles or placing heavy objects on your tarmac driveway for extended periods. Excessive weight can cause indentation and damage to the surface.

Be cautious when using sharp-edged tools or equipment on the tarmac to prevent accidental cuts or scratches. Avoid dragging sharp objects across the surface.

Protect Against Chemical Spills

Take precautions to prevent chemical spills on your tarmac driveway. Substances like oil, gasoline, or solvents can stain and damage the surface.

If a spill occurs, clean it up promptly using absorbent materials and mild detergents. Rinse the area thoroughly with water to remove any residue.

By following these maintenance tips, you can extend the lifespan of your tarmac driveway and ensure it retains its aesthetic appeal. Regular upkeep and addressing any issues promptly will help keep your tarmac driveway in optimal condition for years to come.


Here are answers to 10 common questions and concerns related to tarmac driveways:

Is tarmac suitable for colder climates?

Yes, tarmac driveways are suitable for colder climates. Tarmac is resilient to temperature fluctuations and can withstand freezing and thawing cycles without significant damage.

How long does a tarmac driveway typically last?

A well-maintained tarmac driveway can last anywhere from 15 to 20 years, or even longer. The lifespan can vary depending on factors such as usage, maintenance, and weather conditions.

Can tarmac driveways be customized in terms of color or texture?

Tarmac driveways are typically available in black or dark gray color. While customization options for color are limited, tarmac can be textured to provide a smoother or rougher finish based on your preference.

Will a tarmac driveway crack?

While tarmac driveways are designed to be durable and resistant to cracking, they can develop cracks over time due to factors such as heavy loads, ground movement, or extreme weather conditions. Prompt repair and proper maintenance can help minimize cracking.

Can tarmac driveways be resurfaced or repaired?

Yes, tarmac driveways can be resurfaced or repaired if they develop cracks, potholes, or other damage. Resurfacing involves adding a new layer of tarmac on top of the existing surface, while repairs address specific areas of damage.

How long does it take to install a tarmac driveway?

The installation time for a tarmac driveway depends on factors such as the size of the area and the complexity of the project. On average, it can take anywhere from a few days to a week to complete the installation.

Are tarmac driveways prone to oil stains?

Tarmac driveways are resistant to oil stains due to their dense and impermeable surface. However, it is still advisable to promptly clean up any oil spills to prevent potential staining.

Can tarmac driveways withstand heavy vehicle traffic?

Yes, tarmac driveways are designed to withstand heavy vehicle traffic. They have excellent load-bearing capabilities, making them suitable for residential and commercial properties.

Will tarmac driveways fade over time?

Over time, exposure to sunlight and weather elements can cause slight fading of the tarmac surface. However, this can be minimized by regular maintenance and periodic resealing.

Can tarmac driveways be installed on slopes or uneven terrain?

Yes, tarmac driveways can be installed on slopes or uneven terrain. Proper site preparation and base construction are essential to ensure stability and prevent future issues.

These answers should provide clarity on common concerns regarding tarmac driveways. If you have any further questions or specific requirements, it is recommended to consult with a professional contractor who can provide tailored advice based on your individual circumstances.

Tarmac Driveway Costs

Determining the cost of a tarmac driveway is an important factor to consider when planning your project. Several variables come into play, including the size of the driveway, the complexity of the installation, and any additional features or customization options. To help estimate the cost of your tarmac driveway, you can use a reliable online tool like the Driveway Cost Calculator UK.

Tarmac Driveway Cost Calculator

If you’re looking for an accurate estimate of the cost involved in installing a tarmac driveway, the Tarmac Driveway Cost Calculator is an invaluable resource. This handy tool takes into account various factors such as the dimensions of the driveway, the desired thickness of the tarmac layer, and the region where the project will be undertaken. By inputting these details into the calculator, you can quickly get an estimate of the cost involved in your tarmac driveway project.

Remember to always consider multiple factors when estimating costs for your tarmac driveway project, such as excavation, base preparation, materials, labor, and any additional features or customization options you may require.


Tarmac driveways offer numerous benefits that make them an excellent choice for enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of both residential and commercial properties. With their durability, low maintenance requirements, cost-effectiveness, smooth driving surface, and resistance to stains and oil spills, tarmac driveways provide a reliable and long-lasting solution.

By opting for a tarmac driveway, you can enjoy a surface that can withstand heavy vehicle traffic, withstand various weather conditions, and require minimal upkeep. Its smooth and even driving surface ensures a comfortable experience for all users, while its resistance to stains and oil spills keeps it looking clean and well-maintained.

Whether you’re considering a new driveway installation or upgrading an existing one, tarmac driveways offer a range of advantages that make them a compelling choice. Their cost-effectiveness, durability, and aesthetic appeal can significantly enhance the value and curb appeal of your property.

When planning your driveway project, it’s important to consult with experienced professionals who can assess your specific needs, provide expert guidance, and ensure a high-quality installation. They can help you choose the appropriate materials, determine the best design options, and ensure proper site preparation for a successful tarmac driveway installation.

Consider the benefits and advantages of tarmac driveways for your property. Experience the durability, functionality, and visual appeal they offer. Invest in a reliable and cost-effective solution that will enhance your property for years to come.

Author Profile

Mark Cullen
Mark Cullen
I have many qualifications and certificates in construction, such as City & Guilds, CPCS and CITB. These are the highest standards of training and competence in the industry. Whether you need help with plumbing, carpentry, bricklaying or any other trade, I’m here to help you succeed.

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