Paving Contractors | How to Choose the Right 1

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Paving Contractors | Choosing the Right

Paving contractors are professionals who specialize in creating and maintaining paved surfaces such as driveways, walkways, patios, and pool surrounds. Choosing the right paving contractor is the most important factor for the success of your project. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to choose the right paving contractor for your needs.

Importance of Choosing the Right Paving Contractor

Paving installations can greatly enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your outdoor living spaces. Before starting your project it is important to consider the cost of paving installations.

Choosing the right paving contractor will save you money and ensure that the project is completed on time and on budget.

Tips for Choosing the Right Paving Contractor

1. Get Recommendations

One of the best ways to begin your search for a paving contractor is to ask for word-of-mouth recommendations from neighbors or local friends who have recently worked with a paving contractor. This can help you find reliable contractors who have a good reputation in your area.

2. Research

It is important to do your research and gather information about the paving contractors you are considering. Make a list of three contractors and look into them thoroughly. Start by asking for references and contact those listed to get an idea of their experience working with the contractor. Make sure the contractor is insured .

3. Check their Portfolio

Take a look at the portfolio of the contractor. This will give you a good idea of the quality of work they provide. Look for photos of projects that are similar to yours, to see if the contractor has experience in the type of work you need.

4. Experience

Choose a contractor with lots of experience in the paving business. An experienced contractor will be able to help you design the perfect project for your needs.

5. Communication

Choose a contractor who communicates well and keeps you informed throughout the project. Good communication is important to ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget.

6. Get Multiple Bids

It is important to get multiple bids from different paving contractors. This will give you an idea of the fair market price for your project and help you avoid being overcharged.

7. Avoid Lowball Bids

Be wary of lowball bids, as they may be an indication of poor quality work or the use of substandard materials.

Cost of Using a Paving Contractor

Paving installation costs can vary depending on various factors, such as the type of material used. As a general rule, you should expect to pay around £240 per day for labor costs, which should cover all the preparation needed to get the area for your patio ready.

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Driveway Price Calculator

The overall cost of the paving installation will depend on the size of the area and the materials used. The cost of driveway paving can vary depending on the type of material used. For brick paving, the average cost is around £110 per m². For block paving, the cost to pave a 50m² driveway would be around £5,500. For concrete blocks, the cost of paving a driveway would be about £80 per m². For natural stone blocks, you can expect to pay from around £160 per m².


In conclusion, choosing the right paving contractor is essential for the success of your project. Take the time to research and gather information about the contractors you are considering. Look for recommendations, check their portfolio, and choose an experienced contractor who communicates well and provides a fair market price. By following these tips, you can ensure that your project is completed to your satisfaction.

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When evaluating Paving Contractors make sure you go and have a look at some of there work

Author Profile

Mark Cullen
Mark Cullen
I have many qualifications and certificates in construction, such as City & Guilds, CPCS and CITB. These are the highest standards of training and competence in the industry. Whether you need help with plumbing, carpentry, bricklaying or any other trade, I’m here to help you succeed.

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