Loft Conversion Price Calculator

Calculators, Conversion Calculators, Cost Calculators, Guides

Welcome to our Loft Conversion Price Calculator! This tool is designed to provide you with an estimated cost for your loft conversion project. Whether you’re planning to convert your loft into a bedroom, office, or any other functional space, our calculator can help you get an idea of the potential expenses involved.

How to Use the Loft Conversion Price Calculator

  1. Enter the size of your loft in square meters.
  2. Select the type of loft conversion you’re considering.
  3. If applicable, add the cost of any additional features you’d like to include (e.g., bathroom, custom windows, etc.).
  4. Click the “Calculate” button.
  5. The calculator will provide you with an estimated price for your loft conversion project.

Loft Conversion Price Calculator

Why Use Our Calculator?

Our loft conversion price calculator offers several benefits:

  • Quick Estimate: You can get a rough estimate of the cost involved in your loft conversion project without the need for detailed quotes.
  • Cost Planning: The calculator helps you plan and budget for your loft conversion by providing an indication of the potential expenses.
  • Comparison: You can compare the costs of different loft conversion types to find the one that suits your needs and budget.
  • Informative: Even if you decide not to proceed with a loft conversion immediately, using the calculator can give you a better understanding of the financial aspects involved.


What factors affect the price of a loft conversion?

The price of a loft conversion can be influenced by various factors such as the size and condition of the existing loft space, the complexity of the conversion, the location of the property, the materials used, and any additional features or modifications required.

How much is a loft conversion per 2m?

As a rough guideline, the cost per square meter for a loft conversion in the UK typically ranges from £1,000 to £2,500 or more. This range can help give you a general idea, but it’s crucial to note that the actual cost per square meter can vary.

What’s the average price for a loft conversion in the UK?

In the UK, a basic loft conversion typically costs between £20,000 and £40,000. This estimate includes a standard dormer loft conversion with basic finishes and fixtures. However, it’s important to note that this is just an average range, and the actual price can be higher or lower depending on the factors mentioned earlier.

How much does a typical loft conversion cost?

The cost of a typical loft conversion can vary widely depending on the factors mentioned above. On average, a basic loft conversion in the UK can range from £20,000 to £40,000, but this is just a general estimate.

Are there different types of loft conversions, and do they vary in price?

Yes, there are different types of loft conversions, including dormer, hip-to-gable, mansard, and Velux or roof light conversions. Each type has its own characteristics and associated costs. Dormer conversions tend to be more common and cost-effective, while mansard conversions are generally more expensive due to the extensive structural changes involved.

Does the size of the loft affect the cost of the conversion?

The size of the loft does impact the cost of the conversion. Larger lofts typically require more materials, labor, and structural modifications, resulting in higher costs compared to smaller loft spaces.

What are the additional costs involved in a loft conversion?

Additional costs in a loft conversion may include architectural and structural engineering fees, planning permission and building regulations approval fees, insulation, flooring, plumbing and electrical installations, heating systems, staircase installation, and any interior finishes or fixtures.

How much does planning permission or building regulations approval cost?

The cost of planning permission or building regulations approval can vary depending on the local authority. Typically, planning permission can range from £200 to £500, while building regulations approval may cost around £1,000 to £2,000.

Are there any hidden costs associated with loft conversions?

Hidden costs can arise during the conversion process, such as discovering unforeseen structural issues, electrical or plumbing complications, or the need for additional insulation. It’s important to have a contingency budget to account for any unexpected expenses.

How long does a loft conversion usually take to complete?

The duration of a loft conversion project depends on its complexity and size. On average, a loft conversion can take anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks to complete, but larger or more complex projects may take longer.

Are there any cost savings or financial benefits associated with a loft conversion?

A loft conversion can provide several cost savings and financial benefits. It can potentially increase the value of your property, offer additional living space without the need for an extension, and reduce energy costs through improved insulation.

Can I get a rough estimate of the cost per square meter for a loft conversion?

Estimating the cost per square meter for a loft conversion can be challenging as it depends on various factors. However, a rough estimate can range from £1,000 to £2,500 per square meter.

What materials are commonly used in loft conversions, and do they impact the price?

Common materials used in loft conversions include timber, insulation materials, plasterboard, roofing materials, windows or skylights, and various interior finishes. The choice of materials can impact the overall cost.

Are there any specific design features that can increase the cost of a loft conversion?

Certain design features, such as custom windows, unique roof designs, or additional structural modifications, can increase the cost of a loft conversion compared to a basic conversion with standard features.

Do I need to hire an architect or a structural engineer for a loft conversion, and how much does it cost?

Hiring an architect or a structural engineer is often recommended for loft conversions to ensure compliance with building regulations and to provide expert guidance. The cost of their services can vary, but it’s typically around 5-15% of the overall project cost.

Are there any grants or financial assistance available for loft conversions?

Grants and financial assistance for loft conversions may be available depending on your location and circumstances. It’s advisable to check with local government agencies or relevant organizations to explore any available options.

How does the location of the property influence the price of a loft conversion?

The location of the property can influence the cost of a loft conversion due to factors such as local labor costs, access to materials, and the desirability of the area, which can affect the overall cost.

What are the potential cost implications if my property requires structural modifications for the loft conversion?

If structural modifications are required for the loft conversion, such as reinforcing the floor or altering roof structures, it can add to the overall cost. The extent of structural changes will depend on the existing condition of the loft and the desired outcome.

Do I need to consider any additional expenses for plumbing, electrical, or heating installations?

Plumbing, electrical, and heating installations are essential considerations in a loft conversion, especially if you plan to add a bathroom or en-suite. The cost will depend on the complexity of the installations and the specific requirements of your design.

Can I convert my loft into a bathroom or an en-suite, and how does it affect the overall cost?

Converting your loft into a bathroom or en-suite can add extra costs to the project. You’ll need to consider plumbing connections, drainage systems, fixtures, and ventilation. The exact cost will depend on the size and specifications of the bathroom.

Are there any ongoing maintenance or repair costs associated with a loft conversion?

Ongoing maintenance and repair costs for a loft conversion are generally minimal. However, it’s important to maintain the space, ensure proper insulation, and periodically check for any signs of leaks, wear, or damage.

Can I expect the value of my property to increase significantly after a loft conversion?

A well-executed loft conversion can potentially increase the value of your property. However, the actual value increase will depend on various factors, including the local property market, the quality of the conversion, and the demand for additional living space in your area.

What is the average return on investment for a loft conversion?

The average return on investment for a loft conversion can vary depending on various factors such as location, property value, quality of the conversion, and the local housing market. On average, a well-executed loft conversion can provide a return on investment of around 20-25%.

How can I finance my loft conversion?

There are several financing options available for a loft conversion. You can consider using personal savings, taking out a home improvement loan, remortgaging your property, or exploring government-backed loan schemes. It’s advisable to consult with a financial advisor to determine the best financing option for your specific situation.

Do I need planning permission for a loft conversion?

In some cases, planning permission may be required for a loft conversion, while in others, it may fall under permitted development rights. The need for planning permission depends on factors such as the size of the proposed conversion, the location of the property, and any restrictions or regulations in your local area. It’s essential to consult with your local planning authority or a professional architect to determine whether planning permission is necessary.

Can I convert a flat roof loft into a pitched roof?

Converting a flat roof loft into a pitched roof can be challenging and may require significant structural modifications. It’s important to consult with a structural engineer or an architect to assess the feasibility of such a conversion. Factors such as the existing roof structure, building regulations, and planning constraints will need to be considered.

How do I find a reliable contractor for my loft conversion project?

Finding a reliable contractor for your loft conversion project is crucial. You can start by asking for recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have had similar work done. Additionally, you can research local contractors, check their credentials, read reviews, and request quotes from multiple contractors. It’s important to verify their experience, licenses, and insurance before making a decision.

What are the building regulations requirements for a loft conversion?

Building regulations set out the standards and requirements for a safe and compliant loft conversion. The specific requirements can vary depending on factors such as the type of conversion, the intended use of the space, and the location of the property. Common building regulations considerations include structural stability, fire safety, insulation, ventilation, electrical and plumbing installations, and access and egress requirements. It’s essential to work with a professional architect or contractor who is knowledgeable about building regulations and can ensure compliance.

Can I convert my loft if it has a low ceiling height?

Converting a loft with a low ceiling height can still be possible, but it may require careful planning and design considerations. Lower ceiling heights can affect the usability of the space and may require alternative solutions such as clever storage solutions or adjusting the layout to maximize headroom. Consulting with an architect or a loft conversion specialist will help determine the best approach for your specific situation.

Are there any restrictions on converting a listed or historic property’s loft?

Converting a loft in a listed or historic property may be subject to additional restrictions and regulations to preserve the historical integrity of the building. It’s important to consult with the local conservation officer or heritage authority to understand the specific limitations and requirements for your property.

Can I convert my loft into a self-contained living space?

Converting a loft into a self-contained living space, such as a separate apartment or a granny flat, may be possible depending on local regulations and planning constraints. It’s essential to check with the local planning authority to determine if it’s permitted and to ensure compliance with building regulations regarding fire safety, access, and other relevant requirements.

What are the common mistakes to avoid during a loft conversion?

Some common mistakes to avoid during a loft conversion include inadequate insulation, poor ventilation, insufficient natural light, improper staircase design, overlooking structural issues, neglecting proper fire safety measures, and underestimating the overall project costs and timelines. Working with experienced professionals, following building regulations, and thorough planning can help minimize the risk of these common mistakes.

What is the cheapest possible loft conversion?

The cheapest possible loft conversion would typically involve a basic roof light or Velux conversion, which requires minimal structural changes. This type of conversion utilizes the existing roof structure and primarily focuses on adding windows for natural light. By avoiding complex alterations and additions, the cost can be minimized. However, it’s important to note that the cost will still depend on factors such as the size of the loft, location, and finishes chosen.

What is the easiest loft conversion?

Generally, a roof light or Velux conversion is considered one of the easiest and least disruptive types of loft conversions. It involves adding windows to the existing roof structure to create a light-filled space. Since this type of conversion doesn’t require extensive alterations to the roof or major structural modifications, it is typically easier and quicker to complete compared to more complex conversions like dormer, hip-to-gable, or mansard conversions.

How do people afford loft conversions?

People afford loft conversions through various means, including personal savings, remortgaging, home improvement loans, borrowing from family or friends, or using government-backed loan schemes. Each individual’s financial situation and resources will determine the best method for financing a loft conversion. It’s advisable to consult with a financial advisor to explore the available options and choose the most suitable approach.

How much should I pay for a loft conversion?

The cost of a loft conversion can vary significantly depending on multiple factors, including the size of the loft, the type of conversion, location, and desired finishes. As a rough estimate, a basic loft conversion in the UK typically ranges from £20,000 to £40,000. However, this is a general range, and the final cost can be higher or lower based on individual circumstances. It’s recommended to consult with local architects, contractors, or loft conversion specialists to obtain detailed quotes tailored to your specific project requirements.

Loft Conversion Pros and Cons

1. Increases property value1. Potential planning permission required
2. Adds additional living space2. Disruption during construction
3. Utilizes existing space3. Structural modifications may be needed
4. Avoids the need for a house extension4. Cost of loft conversion can be significant
5. Improves energy efficiency with insulation5. Limited natural light in some loft spaces
6. Customizable design and layout6. Access to loft may require a staircase
Loft Conversion Pros and Cons

Consider these pros and cons when deciding whether a loft conversion is the right choice for your property. While it offers several advantages, there are also some potential challenges to be aware of. It’s advisable to consult with professionals and conduct thorough research to make an informed decision.


In conclusion, a loft conversion can be an excellent way to maximize the potential of your property by creating additional living space and increasing its value. By utilizing the existing loft area, you can avoid the need for a house extension while enjoying the benefits of a customized design and layout.

Throughout this guide, we have explored the pros and cons of a loft conversion. Some of the key advantages include the added living space, improved energy efficiency with insulation, and the ability to personalize the design. However, it’s important to consider potential challenges such as the need for planning permission, structural modifications, and the associated costs involved.

To make an informed decision about whether a loft conversion is right for you, it is recommended to consult with professionals, such as architects and contractors, who can assess the feasibility of the project and provide detailed cost estimates tailored to your specific requirements.

Remember, a loft conversion can be a transformative investment in your property, offering both functional and financial benefits. It’s an opportunity to unlock the hidden potential of your home and create a space that suits your lifestyle needs.

Take the time to carefully evaluate the advantages and considerations of a loft conversion, and embark on this exciting journey with confidence and expert guidance.

Remember, while the loft conversion price calculator provides an estimate, it’s essential to consult with professionals and obtain detailed quotes tailored to your specific requirements for accurate pricing information.

Author Profile

Mark Cullen
Mark Cullen
I have many qualifications and certificates in construction, such as City & Guilds, CPCS and CITB. These are the highest standards of training and competence in the industry. Whether you need help with plumbing, carpentry, bricklaying or any other trade, I’m here to help you succeed.

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