How to Lay Block Paving | The Ultimate Guide

Guides, How Tos

Block paving is an excellent choice for its durability, versatility, and appealing looks. Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or a beginner, laying block paving is a manageable project that can add value and charm to your property.

Are you looking to create a stunning paved area in your garden or driveway?

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Lay Block Paving for Your Driveway or Patio

In this ultimate guide, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of how to lay block paving, including tips and tricks to achieve a professional-looking finish.

So, let’s get started!

How to Lay Block Paving

Step 1: Plan and Prepare

Before you start laying the blocks, it’s essential to plan and prepare the area thoroughly. This includes measuring the space, marking out the design, and clearing the ground of any vegetation or debris.

You’ll also need to consider the drainage, the slope, and any obstacles that may affect the paving.

If your laying your block paving on a slope the you should start at the bottom.

Step 2: Choose the Right Materials

Choosing the right materials is crucial for the success of your project. Block paving comes in various shapes, sizes, and colors, so make sure to select the ones that suit your style and budget.

How much type 1 per square metre for a driveway?

Look for high quality blocks that are durable, weather-resistant, and have a consistent color and texture. You’ll also need to buy sand, cement, and other materials for the sub-base and jointing.

Step 3: Excavate the Area

Once you have planned and prepared the area, it’s time to excavate the ground to create a stable base. This involves removing the topsoil and digging down to the required depth.

The depth will depend on the type of block, the sub-base, and the drainage. Never lay your block paving on soil. Make sure to excavate evenly and compact the soil using a plate compactor. Never lay your block paving on soil.

Step 4: Lay the Sub-Base

The sub-base is a crucial layer that supports the weight of the blocks and prevents sinking or cracking. To lay the sub-base, you’ll need to add layers of MOT type 1 crushed stone or hardcore and compact each layer with a plate compactor.

If your unsure of how much materials to order use our hardcore calculator or our block paving calculator

The depth of the sub-base will depend on the type of block and the ground conditions. Make sure to create a slight slope to allow for drainage.

Step 5: Install the Edgings

Edgings are the border blocks that define the edges of the paved area and hold the blocks in place. To install the edgings, lay them on a concrete bed and fix them securely using mortar.

The edgings should be level, straight, and have a slight slope towards the drain.

You should also use a string line or a laser level to ensure your edgings are accurate.

Step 6: Lay the Blocks

Now it’s time to lay the blocks! Start in one corner and work your way towards the opposite corner. Again use a string line or a laser level to ensure the blocks are level and have a consistent slope towards the drain.

You can lay the blocks in various patterns, such as herringbone, basket weave, and stretcher bond. Choose a pattern that complements your home’s style and the surrounding landscape. Do not leave a gap around each block.

Step 7: Cut the Blocks

At some point, you’ll need to cut some of the blocks to fit around corners or edges. To cut the blocks, use a block splitter or a diamond blade saw.

Measure the block carefully and mark the cut line with a pencil or chalk. Wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, when cutting the blocks.

Step 8: Joint the Blocks

Once you have laid all the blocks, it’s time to joint them. Jointing sand is a special type of sand that fills the gaps between the blocks, preventing movement and weed growth.

Pour the sand over the surface of the blocks and use a soft brush to sweep it into the joints. Make sure to fill the joints completely, but avoid overfilling, as this can cause the blocks to crack.

Once you have filled the joints, use a plate compactor to vibrate the blocks and settle the sand. Then, add more sand and repeat the process until the joints are completely filled.

Step 9: Seal the Blocks (Optional)

Sealing the blocks is an optional step, but it can enhance their appearance and durability. Sealers are available in various types, such as acrylic, polyurethane, and solvent-based.

Choose a sealer that suits your block type and climate. Apply the sealer using a sprayer or a roller and allow it to dry completely before using the paved area.

Step 10: Maintain the Paving

Maintaining the block paving is essential to keep it looking its best and to prevent damage. Regular cleaning, weed removal, and re-sanding are necessary to maintain the joints and prevent weed growth. Avoid using a high-pressure washers, as they can easily damage the blocks and dislodge the sand. Instead, use a soft brush and a mild detergent to clean the surface.


Can you lay block paving in the rain?

Laying block paving in the rain is not impossible, but it requires more care and attention than in dry conditions.

There are some factors to consider before you lay block paving in the rain.

One of the main challenges of laying block paving in the rain is that the blocks can become slippery and hazardous to handle. You should wear gloves and boots to protect yourself and avoid dropping or damaging the blocks.

Another issue is that the sand bed and the jointing sand can become wet and lose their stability. Wet sand can also stain the blocks and make them harder to clean. To avoid these problems, you should cover the sand bed and the jointing sand with a tarpaulin or plastic sheeting until you are ready to use them.

You should also use dry blocks as much as possible, as wet blocks can expand and shrink when they dry, causing gaps or cracks in the paving.

What Is Block Paving?

Block paving is a type of paving that consists of individual blocks or bricks that are laid on a bed of sand and compacted with a plate compactor. The joints between the blocks are then filled with kiln-dried sand to lock them together and prevent movement.

Can you lay block paving on sand and cement?

One of the most common questions that homeowners have when planning to install block paving is whether they can lay it on sand and cement. The answer is no, and here are some reasons why.

  • Sand and cement are not stable enough to support the weight and movement of block paving. They can easily shift, crack, or sink over time, causing unevenness and damage to the paving.
  • Sand and cement are not permeable enough to allow water to drain through the paving. This can lead to pooling, flooding, or freezing problems, especially in wet or cold climates.
  • Sand and cement are not compatible with the natural expansion and contraction of block paving. They can prevent the paving from adjusting to temperature changes, resulting in cracks or gaps between the blocks.
  • Sand and cement are not environmentally friendly. They can contribute to runoff, erosion, or pollution of the soil and water sources.

The best way to lay block paving is on a well-prepared sub-base of compacted hardcore, followed by a layer of sharp sand. This will provide a strong, level, and permeable foundation for the paving, ensuring its durability and appearance for years to come.


Laying block paving is a rewarding and enjoyable project that can transform your garden or driveway.

By following these ten steps, you can create a beautiful and durable paved area that enhances your property’s value and curb appeal.

Remember to plan and prepare thoroughly, choose high quality materials, and take your time to achieve a professional-looking finish. With a bit of patience and effort, you can become an expert in how to lay block paving.

Author Profile

Mark Cullen
Mark Cullen
I have many qualifications and certificates in construction, such as City & Guilds, CPCS and CITB. These are the highest standards of training and competence in the industry. Whether you need help with plumbing, carpentry, bricklaying or any other trade, I’m here to help you succeed.

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