How To Build A Shed Base With Concrete Blocks

How Tos

Building a shed base with concrete blocks is a relatively simple process that can be done by following these steps:

How To Build A Shed Base With Concrete Blocks

Prepare the site

Choose a level area that is slightly larger than the size of the shed. Mark out the area with wooden stakes and string, ensuring that it is square. Remove any grass or vegetation from the area and dig down about 6 inches.

Add crushed stone

Add a layer of crushed stone or gravel to the bottom of the hole, making sure it is level. Use a tamper or plate compactor to compact the stone and create a stable base. TYPE 1 MOT CALCULATOR

Lay the concrete blocks

Start laying the concrete blocks along the perimeter of the site, using the spirit level to ensure that they are level and even. Continue laying the blocks, ensuring that they are spaced about 3 to 4 feet apart. Make sure that the blocks are level in all directions and that they are aligned with the perimeter stakes.

Fill the gaps

Fill the gaps between the blocks with crushed stone or gravel, making sure it is level with the top of the blocks. Use the tamper or plate compactor to compact the stone and create a solid base.

Mix the concrete

Mix the concrete according to the instructions on the bag. You can mix it in a wheelbarrow using a shovel or use a cement mixer if you have one.

Pour the concrete

Pour the concrete mix into the holes between the blocks, filling them to the top. Smooth the surface of the concrete with a trowel, making sure it is level with the top of the blocks.

Finish the concrete

Let the concrete dry for at least 24 hours, or according to the instructions on the bag. Once it is dry, you can remove the wooden stakes and string and clean up the site.

Your shed base with concrete blocks is now complete and ready to support your shed. Remember to check the level of the blocks regularly and adjust them if needed to ensure that your shed stays level and stable.

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If you are planning to build a shed, you will need to consider the foundation. A shed base is crucial to support the weight of the shed and protect it from moisture. One option for a shed base is using concrete blocks. In this article, we will answer some common questions about building a shed base with concrete blocks.

Can I use concrete blocks for a shed base?

Yes, concrete blocks can be used for a shed base. They are durable and can withstand the weight of the shed. However, it is important to use the right type of concrete blocks and ensure that they are laid properly.

How far apart should concrete blocks be for a shed?

The spacing between concrete blocks will depend on the size of the shed. Typically, the blocks should be placed about 3 to 4 feet apart. It is important to ensure that the blocks are level and that the shed will be supported evenly.

What are the best blocks for under a shed?

For a shed base, it is recommended to use solid concrete blocks. These blocks are stronger and more durable than hollow blocks. They are also better at preventing moisture from seeping into the shed.

Can you lay wet concrete blocks?

It is not recommended to lay wet concrete blocks. Wet blocks can be more difficult to handle and may not set properly. It is best to allow the blocks to dry before laying them.

Should I put stone or concrete under shed?

Both stone and concrete can be used under a shed. However, concrete is a better option for a shed base as it provides a more stable and durable foundation. Stone can be used as a filler to level the ground before laying the concrete blocks.

Can you use block paving for a shed base?

Block paving can be used for a shed base, but it is not the best option. Block paving is not as strong as solid concrete blocks and may not provide enough support for the shed. It is better to use solid concrete blocks for a shed base.

What do you put under concrete blocks?

To prevent the concrete blocks from sinking or shifting, it is recommended to place a layer of gravel or crushed stone under the blocks. This will provide a stable base for the blocks and help with drainage.

What footings do I need for a block shed?

The size and weight of the shed will determine the type of footings needed. It is recommended to use a concrete footing that is at least 8 inches wide and 12 inches deep. The footings should be placed at each corner and in the center of the shed.

Do you need planning permission for a concrete block shed?

The need for planning permission will depend on the size and location of the shed. In most cases, a small shed that is not located near a property line or boundary will not require planning permission. However, it is always best to check with your local authorities to ensure that you are following all regulations.


In conclusion, building a shed base with concrete blocks can be a great option. However, it is important to use the right type of blocks, ensure that they are laid properly, and provide a stable foundation. By following these tips, you can build a strong and durable shed base that will protect your shed for years to come.

Author Profile

Mark Cullen
Mark Cullen
I have many qualifications and certificates in construction, such as City & Guilds, CPCS and CITB. These are the highest standards of training and competence in the industry. Whether you need help with plumbing, carpentry, bricklaying or any other trade, I’m here to help you succeed.

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