Double Storey Extension Cost Calculator

Calculators, Cost Calculators, Extension Calculators

Our Double Storey Extension Cost Calculator is a user-friendly tool designed to provide quick and convenient estimates for the cost of a double storey extension project. Whether you’re a homeowner, contractor, architect, or project planner, this calculator can assist you in understanding the potential financial implications of your project.

How to Use the Double Storey Extension Cost Calculator

  • Enter the desired size of the extension in square meters.
  • Optionally modify the cost per square meter if needed.
  • Click the “Calculate” button.
  • The calculator will provide an estimated cost for the double storey extension based on your inputs.

Double Storey Extension Cost Calculator

Who Can Benefit From The Double Storey Extension Cost Calculator

  • Homeowners: Plan and budget for your double storey extension project.
  • Contractors: Provide accurate quotes to clients and streamline your project proposals.
  • Architects: Offer preliminary cost estimates to clients during design discussions.
  • Project Planners: Evaluate the financial viability of a double storey extension before committing to detailed plans.

Why Use the Calculator

  • Cost Estimation: Get an estimate of the potential cost of your double storey extension.
  • Quick and Convenient: No need for complex calculations or spreadsheets.
  • Budgeting and Planning: Make informed decisions based on financial considerations.
  • Comparisons and Decision Making: Evaluate different options and align them with your budget and requirements.

Experience the ease and efficiency of our Double Storey Extension Cost Calculator. Obtain estimates and gain valuable insights to support your double storey extension project.


How much does a double storey extension cost to build?

The cost of a double storey extension can vary depending on various factors such as location, size, materials used, design complexity, and contractor rates. It is difficult to provide an accurate estimate without specific details, but generally, you can expect the cost of a double storey extension in the UK to range from £1,500 to £2,500 per square meter.

How do I estimate the cost of an double storey extension on my house?

To estimate the cost of a double storey extension on your house, you can follow these steps:

  1. Determine the size: Measure the dimensions of the proposed extension area in square meters.
  2. Research costs: Research local construction costs, materials, and labor rates in your area. This will give you an idea of the average prices.
  3. Consider design and specifications: The complexity of the design and the quality of materials you choose will affect the cost. Decide on the desired specifications and finishes for your extension.
  4. Obtain quotes: Contact several reputable builders or contractors and request detailed quotes based on your specifications. Make sure to provide them with accurate and specific information.

Do you need planning permission for a double storey extension?

Regarding planning permission, it is recommended to consult with your local planning authority or a professional architect. Planning permission requirements can vary based on factors such as the size of the extension, your property’s location, and any local planning restrictions or regulations. In some cases, planning permission may be necessary, while in others, you may be able to proceed under permitted development rights. It is essential to verify the requirements specific to your situation.

What is the most expensive part of a house extension?

The most expensive part of a house extension can vary, but generally, the costliest aspects tend to be the structural work, such as foundations and load-bearing walls, and the installation of utilities like plumbing and electrical systems.

Will a two storey extension add value?

A well-designed and executed two-storey extension has the potential to increase the value of your property. However, the value added will depend on various factors, including the local property market, the quality and design of the extension, and the overall appeal it adds to your home.

Is 40k enough to build a 2 storey extension?

As for whether £40,000 is enough to build a two-storey extension, it may or may not be sufficient, depending on the size, complexity, and specifications of the project. It is recommended to obtain multiple quotes from contractors based on your specific requirements to get a more accurate estimate.


In conclusion, the Double Storey Extension Cost Calculator is a valuable tool for anyone involved in planning, estimating, or budgeting for a double storey extension project. Whether you’re a homeowner, contractor, architect, or project planner, this user-friendly calculator provides quick and convenient estimates of the project’s cost.

By entering the size of the extension and optionally adjusting the cost per square meter, you can obtain an estimated cost for the double storey extension. This information enables you to make informed decisions, plan your budget effectively, and compare different options based on their financial implications.

The calculator’s simplicity and ease of use make it accessible to individuals at various stages of the project. Whether you’re in the early planning phase, providing quotes to clients, or evaluating the financial viability of a project, this calculator can assist you in understanding the potential costs involved.

Experience the convenience and efficiency of the Double Storey Extension Cost Calculator to gain valuable insights and support your double storey extension project.

Author Profile

Mark Cullen
Mark Cullen
I have many qualifications and certificates in construction, such as City & Guilds, CPCS and CITB. These are the highest standards of training and competence in the industry. Whether you need help with plumbing, carpentry, bricklaying or any other trade, I’m here to help you succeed.

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