Concrete Block Calculator

Calculators, Concrete Calculators, Walling Calculators

Estimate the number of concrete blocks needed for your construction project with our easy-to-use calculator

How to Use the Concrete Block Calculator

  1. Enter the length, width, and height of your construction project in meters.
  2. Select the size of the concrete blocks you will be using from the dropdown menu. Our calculator supports two standard UK block sizes: 440 x 215 x 100 mm and 440 x 215 x 140 mm.
  3. Click the “Calculate Blocks” button to get the estimated number of blocks needed for your project.
Concrete Block Calculator

Concrete Block Calculator

Total Blocks: 0

Why Use a Concrete Block Calculator?

Using a concrete block calculator can help you save time and money by providing an accurate estimate of the number of blocks required for your construction project. This estimate allows you to plan ahead, order the right amount of materials, and avoid costly mistakes.

Tips for Building with Concrete Blocks

  • Choose the right type of concrete block for your project. There are various types of concrete blocks available, including lightweight, medium weight, and heavyweight blocks, each with its own unique properties and applications.
  • Ensure that you have a solid foundation for your project. A proper foundation is essential for the stability and longevity of any construction project.
  • Use the correct mortar mix for your project. The mortar mix should be strong enough to support the weight of the blocks and provide a good bond between them.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for installing concrete blocks. This includes proper spacing, alignment, and curing times.

If you need to calculate how many breeze blocks you need for your project visit our handy Breeze Block Calculator


What types of concrete blocks are available for construction projects?

There are several types of concrete blocks available for construction projects, including solid blocks, hollow blocks, lightweight blocks, medium weight blocks, and heavyweight blocks. Each type has its own unique properties and applications. Solid blocks are commonly used for load-bearing walls, while hollow blocks are often used for non-load-bearing walls and partitions. Lightweight blocks provide good thermal insulation and are ideal for projects that require energy efficiency, whereas medium weight and heavyweight blocks offer increased load-bearing capacity and durability.

How do I determine the right size of concrete blocks for my project?

The right size of concrete blocks for your project depends on various factors, such as the structural requirements, local building codes, and aesthetics. In the UK, two standard block sizes are commonly used: 440 x 215 x 100 mm and 440 x 215 x 140 mm. For load-bearing walls, the larger blocks provide more stability and support. However, for non-load-bearing walls or partitions, smaller blocks may be sufficient. Always consult with a structural engineer or an experienced builder to determine the appropriate block size for your project.

How do I estimate the amount of mortar needed for my concrete block project?

Estimating the amount of mortar needed for a concrete block project involves calculating the total surface area of the joints between the blocks and the required mortar thickness. As a general rule, a 10mm mortar joint is common for most concrete block projects. To calculate the amount of mortar needed, you can use the following formula:Mortar volume (m³) = (Block length (m) + Mortar thickness (m)) * (Block height (m) + Mortar thickness (m)) * Number of joints * Mortar joint thickness (m)Multiply the mortar volume by the density of the mortar mix (typically around 2100 kg/m³) to obtain the total weight of the mortar required. Note that this is an approximate estimation, and it’s always a good idea to order a little extra mortar to account for waste and variations in joint thickness.


This concrete block calculator is an invaluable tool that can help you accurately estimate the number of blocks required for your construction project, saving you both time and money. By considering factors such as block size, mortar thickness, and project dimensions, the calculator provides a reliable estimation for planning and budgeting purposes. Additionally, understanding the different types of concrete blocks, their applications, and the correct installation techniques is essential for the success of your construction project. Don’t forget to consult with experienced professionals, such as structural engineers or builders, to ensure your project is built according to local building codes and safety standards.

Author Profile

Mark Cullen
Mark Cullen
I have many qualifications and certificates in construction, such as City & Guilds, CPCS and CITB. These are the highest standards of training and competence in the industry. Whether you need help with plumbing, carpentry, bricklaying or any other trade, I’m here to help you succeed.

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